Die Koalition ist diesmal vorgeprescht, denn der gesetzliche Anpassungsfaktor steht erst fest, wenn auch die Juli-Inflation bekannt ist. Die Pensionen sollen im kommenden Jahr um den gesetzlichen Anpassungsfaktor...
Mehr lesenexecuteAsyncScript: function(name) { this._allowedScriptNames.push(name); // If handleAsyncScript is called after executeAsyncScript, callback will be executed immediately
if (this.scripts[name]) { this.scripts[name](); delete this.scripts[name]; } } };
window.LR = LR;
LR.getMixedConsentData = function(purposeIds = null, vendorIds = []) { return new Promise(function (resolve) { let gotPurposes = false; let gotVendors = false; let out = { purposeConsents: [], vendorConsents: [] };
window.__tcfapi('consentDataExist', 2, function(dataExists) { if(dataExists === true) { sendConsents(); } else { sendNotSets(); } });
function sendNotSets() { // Purposes for(let i=1; i<=30; i++) { out.purposeConsents.push({purposeId: i, hasConsent: false, asString: 'not-set'}); } // Vendors vendorIds.forEach(function (id) { out.vendorConsents.push({vendorId: id, hasConsent: false, asString: 'not-set'}); }) } function sendConsents() { function checkResolve() { if (gotPurposes && gotVendors) { resolve(out); } } window.__tcfapi('getFullTCData', 2, function (tcData) { const consentData = tcData.purpose.consents; for (let purpose in consentData) { if (purposeIds === null || purposeIds.indexOf(parseInt(purpose)) !== -1) { out.purposeConsents.push({purposeId: parseInt(purpose), hasConsent: consentData[purpose], asString: consentData[purpose].toString()}); } } gotPurposes = true; checkResolve(); }); let dataObj = vendorIds.map(function (id) { return { vendorId: id } }); window.__tcfapi('checkConsent', 2, function (data) { out.vendorConsents = data.map(function (v) { v.asString = v.hasConsent.toString(); return v; }); gotVendors = true; checkResolve(); }, { data: dataObj, recheckConsentOnChange: false, perVendor: true }); } }); } function allCookiesBlocked() { if((navigator.cookieEnabled && window.__tcfapi) || ((navigator.cookieEnabled !== false && navigator.cookieEnabled !== true) && window.__tcfapi)) { return false; } else { return true; } } function executeTCFScripts() { LR.executeAsyncScript('smart'); LR.executeAsyncScript('1plusX'); } window.__tcfapi('consentDataExist', 2, function(dataExists) { if (dataExists === true) { LR.consentDataExist = true; executeTCFScripts(); } }); window.__tcfapi('addEventListener', 2, (data, success) => { if (!UTIL.loaded.chartbeat) { loadChartbeat(); }
window.__tcfapi('addEventListener', 2, (data, success) => {
// wait for content html to render before running script window.setTimeout(() => { LR.executeSocialMediaQueue(); }, 500);
// Won't do anything if already called in 'consentDataExist' executeTCFScripts(); }, 'consentChanged'); }, 'cmpReady');
LR.checkConsentAndAddtoQueue = (vendor, cb) => { // only put into queue if it's not already in there. window.__tcfapi('checkConsent', 2, (consentOK) => { if (window.LR.socialMediaQueue.find(element => element.id === vendor.id)) { window.LR.socialMediaQueue.find(element => element.id === vendor.id)['consentOK'] = consentOK; } else { vendor['consentOK'] = consentOK; window.LR.socialMediaQueue.push(vendor); }
if (consentOK) { cb(true); } else { cb(false); } }, { data: [{ vendorId: vendor.id }], recheckConsentOnChange: true // rechecking is done by onConsentChange listener on checkConsents });
// TODO: find a method how to know if and when Vue is done rendering so we don't have to use a derky timeout // initial: execute additional social media embed scripts if necessary. - wait for Vue to render window.setTimeout(() => { LR.executeSocialMediaQueue(); }, 6000);
const socialMedia = { 'Facebook': { source: 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js', onLoad: () => { window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({ appId : '579158667063181', autoLogAppEvents : true, xfbml : true, version : 'v16.0' }); }; }, }, 'Twitter': { source: 'https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js', }, 'Instagram': { source: 'https://www.instagram.com/embed.js', onLoad: () => { window['instgrm'].Embeds.process(); }, }, 'TikTok': { source: 'https://www.tiktok.com/embed.js', }, 'Reddit': { source: 'https://embed.redditmedia.com/widgets/platform.js', }, 'Pinpoll': { source: 'https://tools.pinpoll.com/global.js', }, };
LR.executeSocialMediaQueue = () => { for (const vendor of window.LR.socialMediaQueue) { if (vendor.consentOK === true) {
if (socialMedia[vendor.name]) {
src: socialMedia[vendor.name].source,
onLoad: () => {
if (socialMedia[vendor.name].onLoad
&& typeof socialMedia[vendor.name].onLoad === 'function'
) {
Source link
Die Koalition ist diesmal vorgeprescht, denn der gesetzliche Anpassungsfaktor steht erst fest, wenn auch die Juli-Inflation bekannt ist. Die Pensionen sollen im kommenden Jahr um den gesetzlichen Anpassungsfaktor...
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© 2023 Alle Rechte vorbehalten | Global Financial | Impressum | SEO.CH